Daily Archives: October 20, 2014

Day 33: Monday, October 20

  • Don’t forget: tomorrow from 3:00 to 5:00 CrossFit CPHS Varsity practice with Coach Kelly


  • 20 forward, 20 backward and 20 one way the other way arm circles
  • 10 Wall slides
  • 10 Wall Jump Touches


  • we are starting our 4th week of prograamed Strength Training – it is a Deload Week
  • 3 sets of 5 reps of Bench Press @ 65%, 75% and 85%
  • 3 sets of 5 reps of Pendlay Rows (heavier each set)

Met-Con WOD:

  • 100 single skips (or 25 Double Unders)
  • 20 Goblet Squats (or Front Squats)
  • 21 KB Swings
  • 100 single skips
  • 15 Goblet Squats (or Front Squats)
  • 15 KB Swings
  • 100 single skips
  • 10 Goblet Squats (or Front Squats)
  • 9 KB Swings


Static holds have a tremendous carryover to performance. The ability to hold a position vastly improves your ability to move under load through better postural maintenance.

In the above workout, though, we’re strengthening positions that are held static while other joints move. In the paused pullup, your grip will strengthen with your wrists held straight–a position necessary for pull-ups. In the paused pushup, your trunk will struggle to maintain alignment–a common fail point for high-rep pushups.

Most people fail at a consistent spot in the pistol. Beginners lose their balance, but after practicing on a box for awhile, the balance is no longer an issue; they simply lack the strength to do a one-legged squat. They sink to the bottom and can’t rise up again. The paused pistol seeks to make you stronger at the exact position where you fail. Challenge yourself to stay in that position as long as possible; in general, you can hold about 30% more weight (including your bodyweight) in a static hold than while moving it.

(from the brilliant mind of Chris Cooper of Catalyst Gym)

2 rounds of the following:

  • 30 second paused Pull Up
  • 30 second paused Push Up
  • 30 second paused Pistol (from a box)
  • 1 minute plank